Project Description
Social Housing
This contract involves completion of all substructures including blockwork, insulation, radon barrier, finished floors, drainage, setting out, timber fencing, kerbs and services for 144 Social Houses for Braidwater homes.
Works includes the installation of all plot drainage on the scheme 150mm and 110mm pvc pipes, all ducting and trenching for services, foundations excavation and pouring and all site finishes. McMackin completed all kerbing, paving and timber CB fencing, landscaping (both seed & rolled grass) around the site.
The housing development is built on a split level site, Mc Mackin completed all retaining walls and relevant drainage. The site consists of timber-frame houses which involves a quicker turnaround of completed works. McMackins are completing all houses to finished floor level leaving ready for timber frame kits & scaffold.
Project Details
Braidwater Homes
Feb 2018 – June 2019
Skeoge, County Derry