Project Description
N56 Coolboy to Kilmacrenan Road Re-Alignment Scheme, Co Donegal
Mc Mackin Contracts are currently completing works on a Road Re-Alignment between Coolboy and Kilmacrenan, Co. Donegal. The Project involved the construction of approx. 3km of road and cycle paths through areas with very poor ground conditions.
Earthworks included extraction & crushing of approx. 185,000m³ of rock from a nearby borrow pit, place and compact as part of the road make-up. There was also approx. 85,000m³ of clay/moss/peat excavated and hauled to nearby tips that was then levelled and seeded back into fields for local owners.
Works also included:
- Enabling works including diversion of both trunk and distribution watermains to reduceinterference with the online road construction.
- Laying new watermain pipes in open cut trench with bedding, surround, backfill and connections to new/existing watermains.
- Works included the construction of ancillary chambers, testing & commissioning.
- Re-alignment and construction of service roads.
- Closure of existing access points.
- Associated earthworks, drainage, signage & lining as necessary.
- Demolition of existing building/structures.
- Associated accommodation works and service diversions and also relocation.
Project Details
BAM Construction
February 2018 – May 2019
€2.5 million
Co Donegal